3.2 Main Features
cartography counts 35 functions that process and display spatial object or map layout elements. Figure 2 sums up the different possible maps produced with the package as well as the main function used to produce them. Common representations are provided as well as some more advanced maps that usually need geo-processing. The following figures are examples of cartography usage, scripts used to generate them are, of course, available in a public repository.[7]
# Load data
# get the figure ratio
sizes <- getFigDim(spdf = nuts0.spdf, width = 600, mar = c(0, 0, 1.2, 0))
sizes[1] <- sizes[1] * 2
sizes[2] <- sizes[2] * 2
# save the maps in png format
png(filename = "img/4maps.png", width = sizes[1], height = sizes[2], res = 150)
# set margins
opar <- par(mar = c(0, 0, 1.2, 0), mfrow = c(2, 2))
# Plot a layer with the extent of the EU28 countries with only a background
# color
plot(nuts0.spdf, border = NA, col = NA, bg = "#A6CAE0")
# Plot non european space
plot(world.spdf, col = "#E3DEBF", border = NA, add = TRUE)
# plot countries
plot(nuts0.spdf, col = "#D1914D", border = "white", lwd = 0.5, add = TRUE)
# transform to thousand of inhabitants
nuts0.df$pop <- nuts0.df$pop2008/1000
# Plot the population
propSymbolsLayer(spdf = nuts0.spdf, df = nuts0.df, inches = 0.125, lwd = 0.5,
var = "pop", legend.pos = "right", legend.values.rnd = 0, legend.title.txt = "Population, 2008\n(thousands of inh.)",
legend.frame = F)
# Layout plot
layoutLayer(title = "propSymbolsLayer()", author = "", sources = "", frame = FALSE,
scale = NULL, theme = "wine.pal", north = TRUE) # add a south arrow
# compute the GDP per inhabitants
nuts0.df$gdpinh <- nuts0.df$gdppps2008 * 1e+06/nuts0.df$pop2008
# Plot a layer with the extent of the EU28 countries with only a background
# color
plot(nuts0.spdf, border = NA, col = NA, bg = "#A6CAE0")
# Plot non european space
plot(world.spdf, col = "#E3DEBF", border = NA, add = TRUE)
# plot the gdp per inhabitant
choroLayer(spdf = nuts0.spdf, df = nuts0.df, var = "gdpinh", col = carto.pal(pal1 = "green.pal",
n1 = 4), method = "quantile", nclass = 4, border = "white", lwd = 0.5, legend.pos = "right",
legend.title.txt = "GDP per inh. ,2008\n(euros)", add = T)
layoutLayer(title = "choroLayer()", author = "", sources = "", frame = FALSE,
scale = NULL, theme = "green.pal", north = FALSE)
# Plot a layer with the extent of the EU28 countries with only a background
# color
plot(nuts0.spdf, border = NA, col = NA, bg = "#A6CAE0")
# Plot non european space
plot(world.spdf, col = "#E3DEBF", border = NA, add = TRUE)
# Plot the gdp per inhabitant
choroLayer(spdf = nuts0.spdf, df = nuts0.df, var = "gdpinh", col = carto.pal(pal1 = "sand.pal",
n1 = 4), method = "quantile", nclass = 4, border = "white", lwd = 0.5, legend.pos = "right",
legend.title.txt = "GDP per inh. ,2008\n(euros)", add = T)
# Plot the population
propSymbolsLayer(spdf = nuts0.spdf, df = nuts0.df, inches = 0.125, lwd = 1.25,
var = "pop", col = NA, border = "#940000", legend.pos = "topright", legend.values.rnd = 0,
legend.title.txt = "Population, 2008\n(thousands of inh.)", legend.frame = F)
# layout
layoutLayer(title = "propSymbolsLayer() + choroLayer()", author = "Package cartography v1.4.1",
sources = "Source: Eurostat, 2011", frame = FALSE, scale = NULL, theme = "sand.pal",
north = FALSE)
# Plot a layer with the extent of the EU28 countries with only a background
# color
plot(nuts0.spdf, border = NA, col = NA, bg = "#A6CAE0")
# Plot non european space
plot(world.spdf, col = "#E3DEBF", border = NA, add = TRUE)
# plot countries
plot(nuts0.spdf, col = "#F8FD4050", border = "white", lwd = 0.5, add = TRUE)
# Plot symbols with choropleth coloration
propSymbolsChoroLayer(spdf = nuts0.spdf, df = nuts0.df, var = "pop", inches = 0.2,
var2 = "gdpinh", col = carto.pal(pal1 = "blue.pal", n1 = 4), symbols = "square",
method = "quantile", nclass = 4, border = "grey50", lwd = 0.5, legend.var.pos = "topright",
legend.var.values.rnd = 0, legend.var.title.txt = "Population, 2008\n(thousands of inh.)",
legend.var.style = "e", legend.var2.pos = "right", legend.var2.values.rnd = 0,
legend.var2.title.txt = "GDP per inh., 2008\n(euros)")
# layout
layoutLayer(title = "propSymbolsChoroLayer()", author = "", sources = "", frame = FALSE,
theme = "blue.pal", scale = 500, north = FALSE)
Fig. 3. Four common maps
Figure 3 shows three maps produced with cartography. The first one dis-plays the amount of population by country in Europe by using the proportional symbols function (propSymbolsLayer). The second one display the gross domestic product per inhabitants in euros on a choropleth map (choroLayer). The third map combines two indicators, the symbols sizes are proportional to the total population and the color scale is based on the distribution of gross domestic product per inhabitant (propSymbolsChoroLayer).
The three next maps need some geo-processing operation on geometries and data that are usually spread across multiple tasks (i.e. multiple files). cartography proposes to simplify the process by providing functions that wrap the multiple steps.
# Load data
# Create a grid layer
mygrid <- getGridLayer(spdf = nuts3.spdf, cellsize = 1e+05, type = "hexagonal")
# Compute data for the grid layer
df1 <- getGridData(x = mygrid, df = nuts3.df, var = "pop2008")
df2 <- getGridData(x = mygrid, df = nuts3.df, var = "pop1999")
# Compute the compound annual growth rate
df1$cagr <- (((df1$pop2008/df2$pop1999)^(1/9)) - 1) * 100
v <- getBreaks(v = df1$cagr, method = "quantile", nclass = 10)
v[5] <- 0
# set a color palette
cols <- c("#f18b61", "#f7b48c", "#f3d9b7", "#f1eccd", "#c0dec2", "#91caa4",
"#63b285", "#329966", "#26734d", "#1a4c33")
# get the figure ratio
sizes <- getFigDim(spdf = nuts0.spdf, width = 1200, mar = c(0, 0, 1.2, 0))
# save the map in png format
png(filename = "img/RegularGrid.png", width = sizes[1], height = sizes[2], res = 150)
# set margins
opar <- par(mar = c(0, 0, 1.2, 0), mfrow = c(1, 1))
# Plot a layer with the extent of the EU28 countries with only a background
# color
plot(nuts0.spdf, border = NA, col = NA, bg = "#A6CAE0")
# Plot non european space
plot(world.spdf, col = "#CCCCCC", border = NA, add = TRUE)
# plot the choropleth grid
choroLayer(spdf = mygrid$spdf, df = df1, var = "cagr", add = TRUE, col = cols,
lwd = 0.6, border = "#FFFFFF60", legend.pos = "right", breaks = v, legend.values.rnd = 2,
legend.title.txt = "Compound Annual\nGrowth Rate")
# plot countries boundaries
plot(nuts0.spdf, add = T, col = NA, border = "#56514c", lwd = 0.7)
# Plot a layout
layoutLayer(title = "Demographic Trends, 1999-2008", author = "Package cartography v1.4.0",
sources = "Source: Eurostat, 2011", frame = TRUE, scale = 500, north = TRUE,
theme = "taupe.pal")
Fig. 4. Gridded map
The grid-cell method is an option to overcome the arbitrariness and irregularity of administrative division. It highlights the main trends in the data spatial distribution, splitting the territory in regular blocks. Statistical values are distributed over a regular grid. Cell values are discretized and then displayed in areas of color. The principle adopted here is to set each cell’s value with a proportion of the initial geometrical units it overlay (share of intersected area).
In cartography the map process relies on three functions. getGridLayer builds a regular grid (squares or hexagons) based on a spatial object and provide a table of surface intersections. getGridLayer computes data to match the grid layer according to the surface intersections. Eventually, choroLayer uses the grid and data to display a choropleth map (figure 4).
# Load data
# Get a SpatialLinesDataFrame of countries borders
nuts2.contig <- getBorders(nuts2.spdf)
nuts2.df$gdpcap <- nuts2.df$gdppps2008/nuts2.df$pop2008 * 1e+06
# set figure ratio
sizes <- getFigDim(spdf = nuts0.spdf, width = 1200, mar = c(0, 0, 1.2, 0))
# save the map in png format
png(filename = "img/Discontinuities.png", width = sizes[1], height = sizes[2],
res = 150)
# set margins
opar <- par(mar = c(0, 0, 1.2, 0))
# Plot a layer with the extent of the EU28 countries with only a background
# color
plot(nuts2.spdf, border = NA, col = NA, bg = "#A6CAE0")
# Plot non european space
plot(world.spdf, col = "#E3DEBF", border = NA, add = TRUE)
# Plot GDP per capita with a choropleth layer
choroLayer(spdf = nuts2.spdf, df = nuts2.df, var = "gdpcap", border = "grey20",
lwd = 0.2, col = carto.pal(pal1 = "green.pal", n1 = 3, "sand.pal", 3), method = "quantile",
nclass = 6, add = TRUE, legend.pos = "right", legend.values.rnd = -2, legend.title.txt = "GDP per Capita\n(in euros)")
# Plot discontinuities
discLayer(spdf = nuts2.contig, df = nuts2.df, var = "gdpcap", type = "rel",
method = "equal", nclass = 3, threshold = 0.4, sizemin = 0.7, sizemax = 6,
col = "red", legend.values.rnd = 1, legend.title.txt = "Discontinuities in \nGDP per Capita\n(relative)",
legend.pos = "topright", add = TRUE)
# Layout
layoutLayer(title = "Wealth Disparities in Europe, 2008", author = "Package cartography v1.4.0",
sources = "Source: Eurostat, 2011", frame = TRUE, scale = 500, theme = "grey.pal")
Fig. 5. Discontinuities map
Discontinuities maps are based on the variation of a phenomena between contiguous administrative units. This kind of representation does not focus on homogeneous zones, but rather on spatial breaks. On the map, discontinuity intensity is expressed by the borders’ thickness.
The first step to build these maps is to extracts borders between units. The second step is to compute a discontinuity measure (either a ratio or an absolute difference). The third step is to display it on a map using the size visual variable. Combine these discontinuities with a choropleth representation helps to understand the discontinuity direction (which one of two regions has the higher value).
In cartography, getBorders is used to build a spatial object of borders between units. Each resulting borders contains the ids of its two neighboring units. It is also possible to complement these borders by the getOuterBorders function that can compute borders between non-contiguous units (maritime borders). discLayer function compute and display discontinuities, the line widths reflect the ratio or the absolute difference between values of an indicator in two neighboring units. Of course, the discontinuities layer can be associate with a choropleth layer (choroLayer) (figure 5).
# Load data
# Create a grid layer
mygrid <- getGridLayer(spdf = nuts3.spdf, cellsize = 50000, type = "regular")
# transform gdp in euros
nuts3.df$gdp <- nuts3.df$gdppps2008 * 1e+06
# Compute data for the grid layer
df1 <- getGridData(x = mygrid, df = nuts3.df, var = "pop2008")
df2 <- getGridData(x = mygrid, df = nuts3.df, var = "gdp")
df1$gdp <- df2$gdp
# list of breaks
v <- c(2920, 5000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 23500, 30000, 35000, 40000, 42720)
# figure ratio
sizes <- getFigDim(spdf = nuts0.spdf, width = 1200, mar = c(0, 0, 1.2, 0))
# save the map to a png file
png(filename = "img/IsoplethMap.png", width = sizes[1], height = sizes[2], res = 150)
# set margins
opar <- par(mar = c(0, 0, 1.2, 0))
# Plot a layer with the extent of the EU28 countries with only a background
# color
plot(nuts0.spdf, border = NA, col = NA, bg = "#A6CAE0")
# Plot non european space
plot(world.spdf, col = "#E3DEBF", border = NA, add = TRUE)
# set a color palette
cols <- c(rev(carto.pal("green.pal", 5)), carto.pal("orange.pal", 4))
# compute & display the potential map
smoothLayer(spdf = mygrid$spdf, df = df1, var = "gdp", var2 = "pop2008", breaks = v,
span = 1e+05, beta = 2, mask = nuts0.spdf, resolution = 49000, col = cols,
legend.title.txt = "Potential\nGDP per capita\n(in euros)", legend.values.rnd = -2,
border = "grey80", lwd = 0.5, add = T, legend.pos = "topright")
# plot Europe contour
plot(rgeos::gBuffer(nuts0.spdf, FALSE, 1), add = T, col = NA, border = "grey50")
# plot a layout
layoutLayer(title = "Wealth Inequalities in Europe, 2008", author = "Package cartography v1.4.0",
sources = "Source: Eurostat, 2011", frame = TRUE, scale = 500, north = FALSE,
theme = "sand.pal")
# plot a text on the map
text(x = 6271272, y = 3743765, labels = "Distance function:\n- type = exponential\n- beta = 2\n- span = 100 km",
cex = 0.8, adj = 0, font = 3)
Fig. 6. Isopleth map
Unlike choropleth maps, which represent data as discrete values, isopleth maps are based on the assumption that the phenomenon to be represented has a continuous distribution. These maps use a spatial interaction modeling approach which aims to compute indicators based on stock values weighted by distance (Stewart 1942). It allows a spatial representation of the phenomenon independent from the initial heterogeneity of the territorial division. The result is easy to read and can be considered as a bypassing of the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP) (Openshaw and Taylor 1979).
In cartography, the smoothLayer function, that heavily depends on the SpatialPosition (Giraud and Commenges 2016) package, allow to compute quickly these maps. The function takes as inputs a marked point layer and a set of parameters (a spatial interaction function and its parameters) and outputs an isopleth map layer (figure 6).